
The HuCID Mission: Development of individualized and phase dependent therapies.

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To understand the underlying mechanisms of inflammation, we have developed three platforms:

The HuCID Profiling platform is based on a panel of surface markers of immune cells to determine the individual immune profile of patients. Analysis leads to a better understanding of the inflammatory processes and will ultimately lead to stratification of patients for therapies.

The HuCID Disease Map depicts the communication of epithelial cells, immune cells, fibroblasts and fibrocytes, and leads to the prediction of mechanistic side effects.

The HuCID animal models are based on immunodeficient mice. These mice were reconstituted with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with UC or CD. This model gives a good reflection of the human disease and allows for testing of therapeutics directed against human targets.

The combination of all three platforms will lead to risk reduction in clinical trials.

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